菠菜网lol正规平台 Response to Lift of Stay-at-Home Order; Access to Campus Reminder; Campus Tours

Sent: January 25, 2021
From: President Mary A. Papazian

菠菜网lol正规平台 campus community,

今天,州长加文·纽森宣布取消“居家令” state of California, returning the state to the four-tier Blueprint for a Safer Economy system. Santa Clara County has been placed in the Purple (Widespread) tier, where we were before the Stay-at-Home order was put in place. The county has instituted additional restrictions 我们必须遵守,包括国家对旅行的限制. Any travel 圣克拉拉县方圆150英里以外的地区需要10天的隔离 when returning to the County, as required and outlined in the SCC Travel Directive.  

What 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus services will remain the same?

  • Critical Operations, Infrastructure & Facilities: 我们将在必要时继续运营,以支持校园及其正在进行的项目 and services.
  • Academic Courses: 正如之前宣布的那样,面对面的课程将在2月15日之前远程授课. The spring semester begins Wednesday, January 27.
  • Dining Commons: 我们将在目前运营的基础上继续运营外卖/外卖服务 hours.
  • Spartan Food Pantry: We will continue to provide services based on current operating hours
  • Spartan Recreation and Aquatic Center (SRAC): Gym and fitness facility will be closed. The SRAC Aquatic Center outdoor pools will 仍然对田径,运动机能学课程,学生/教师/工作人员开放 lap swim by reservation.
  • Student Wellness Center: 医疗服务继续在星期一、星期二和星期四开放,供上门服务 visits and remotely for telehealth on Wednesdays and Fridays. Counseling and Psychological 每周仍有五天通过远程咨询提供服务. After hours telesupport remains available.
  • Student Services Center: We will continue to provide services as currently offered.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library: We will continue to provide services as currently offered. You should check the website,但是,在线图书馆资源的持续更新.
  • Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA): 关键和时间敏感的校园和现场RSCA项目将继续批准. 提交批准的新项目计划必须证明其重要性和/或 time-sensitive deadlines within three months.  
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 Athletics: Santa Clara County has updated its Mandatory Directive for Collegiate and Professional Athletics 允许各队在本县进行训练和比赛,只要各队遵守 the additional restrictions.
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 Child Development Center (CDC): The CDC will continue to remain open with a limit of 72 children.

Access to Campus and Virtual Tours

当我们为本周春季学期的开始做准备时,请记住 the following reminders.

进入上海外国语大学的财产、场地和设施仍然受到限制 仅限授权学生、教职员工和重要承包商/供应商使用. Everyone 必须携带Tower ID以提供授权证明.

我们知道,校园参观是大学生活的一部分,对于学生来说至关重要 决定在哪里上大学,以及探亲访友的传统. 但是,由于上述校园访问限制,以及我们目前的紫 在这个时候,不允许亲自参观校园. 

菠菜网lol正规平台确实为您,您的家人和未来的学生提供虚拟参观的选择. Live virtual tours are available through the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Welcome Center. You can sign up for a live virtual tour at the Student Outreach and Recruitment (SOAR) website.

此外,随时都有可供选择的虚拟游览. These include an interactive tour of campus, a guided tour, and tours of university housing and the Student Union.

在我们继续应对COVID-19大流行的过程中,我们感谢你们的理解. 我们斯巴达社区的健康和安全,以及你的朋友和家人的健康和安全,是我们的 top priorities.

当我们继续期待着我们能再次在校园里相聚的那一天时, 我们感谢你们一直以来对彼此的耐心、灵活性和善意 in the Spartan community. We wish you a safe, healthy and successful spring semester.


Dr. Mary A. Papazian