Fall 2024 Subject Notes

2024年秋季主题笔记是特定课程主题代码或全球笔记的笔记. These notes identify general reminders for courses.


  • African American Studies (AFAM)
    AFAM/AAS/CCS 25是一门交叉列出的课程,可以由来自美国的教师教授 非裔美国人研究或者墨西哥裔美国人研究部门.

  • Animation & Illustration (ANI)
    ANI 179第01和02节专题:照明和光学. Contact: Kevin.Mannens@6up85.com for more information.

  • Biology (BIOL)
    BIOL 21的学生可以注册任何实验部分,每个人必须参加一个实验 week (DH 448); the lab is a drop-in type and the open lab times will be announced at the first lecture meeting.

  • Chicana and Chicano Studies (CCS)
    CCS 10A sections 04 and 05 are team taught; students will be graded and evaluated by both Instructors.

    CCS/AAS/AFAM 25是一门交叉列出的课程,可以由来自美国的教师教授 非裔美国人或墨西哥裔和墨西哥裔研究系.

    CCS 7/KIN 7将侧重于技术,基本步法和曲目.

    对于想要快速学习的学生,CCS 180秒03(班) 第43179号)将在第一个小时扩展曲目. Both classes 从1800年到2000年,每周一和周三在spe178举行背靠背会议.

    注册CCS/KIN 7和/或CCS 180 sec 03的学生将需要购买 dance shoes and a practice skirt for faldeo (skirt work); both will be needed by week 3.

  • Child & Adolescent Development (CHAD)
    乍得实践,乍得158,159和160只对乍得专业的学生开放 seniors. 在第一次班会之前,ChAD 160的学生必须出示阴性证明 TB test that is less than one year old; proof of a current influenza vaccination (fall semester only); and proof of pertussis and measles vaccinations (DtAP & MMR). For 这些练习本,每一个都需要Live San的指纹通关,请查收 the ChAD website for details.

  • Computer Engineering (CMPE)
    对于CMPE 195A第01部分和CMPE 195F第01部分,学生必须满足其中一个 注册的条件如下:1)在2014年秋季之前遵循目录 或2)关注2014年秋季或之后的最新目录,但想采取 3个单位面积的S和3个单位面积的V课程,以满足你的GE面积S和V的要求. 对于CMPE 195A第02部分和CMPE 195B第03部分,您应该注册 部分,如果您正在关注2014年秋季或之后的最新目录,那么您可以 将修习以下课程组合:CMPE 195A/CMPE 195B/ENGR 195A/ ENGR 195B to fulfill your GE area Sand V requirements.

  • Chinese (CHIN)
    CHIN 1A, CHIN 1B, CHIN 25A or CHIN 25B satisfies GE C2. For students who have prior 不懂中文或对课程安排不确定者,请自行选择 the placement test or talk to the advisor. For advising, please contact Dr. Chunhui Peng, chunhui.peng@6up85.com. The placement test could be accessed through this link: http://6up85.com/wll/proficiency-exams/index.php

  • Environmental Studies (ENVS)
    如果您的类位置是WSQGRDN,那么您的类将位于环境中 Studies Garden. Please contact the department for more details. If enrolling in ENVS 158 section 80, one 2.在指定的课堂之外,需要5小时的面对面会议 时间来支持社区城市菠菜网lol正规平台的环境教育计划在中部San Jose for K-12 students.

  • Foreign Language Education (FLED)
    “外语方法”课程提供外语证书 有二语习得理论背景的候选人,具有当前的相关知识 目的语课程计划和教学的方法和策略. FLED 380 is offered ONLY in the FALL Semester.

    作为第二/第三阶段学生在单一学科的教学经验的伴侣 法语,日语,普通话或西班牙语证书课程,逃离285是一个研讨会 为教师候选人提供第二/第三阶段的学生教学支持 加州教学绩效评估(CalTPA). Prerequisites: EDSC 184X. Co-requisites: FLED 184Y/FLED 184Z. For more information about these courses, contact Dr. Avizia Long at avizia.long@6up85.com. 学生必须在上课的第一周之前获得添加代码.

  • Foreign Language (FORL)
    FORL 100W满足菠菜网lol正规平台研究区域Z的书面交流要求. Prerequisites: engl001和engl002成绩C或以上或同等水平,通过考试 写作能力测试(WST),或成功完成LLD/ENGL 096S,完成 核心GE要求,高年级成绩(至少完成56个单元). For more information, world-languages@6up85.com.

    在文化研究和语言研究基础上加强的FORL 200研究项目 academic research and writing techniques begun in 100W. Satisfies Graduate writing 要求(GWAR) +为西班牙语研究生课程(要求)提供4个学分 all Spanish graduate students). Lectures and written assignments in English or Spanish. For more information contact Dr. Fernández at vanessa.fernandez@6up85.com

  • French (FREN)
    FREN 1A, 1B may be used for Core GE (C2) credit. FREN 1A can be taken either in class (Section 01) or completely online (Sections 80 & 99). For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com. FREN 1B既可以在课堂上(第01节)学习,也可以在第一年第二学期混合学习 elementary French course (Section 02 & 99). Assignments and tests are completed online with weekly one hour class meetings on W, 1700-1800. A time conflict memo can be issued 希望在线学习法语1A或1B或任何其他法语在线课程的学生 but who have a time conflict with another class. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 25A语法复习和阅读可用于核心GE (C2)学分. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com. 需要参加FREN 25C, FREN 101B或FREN 101C或其他高级法语课程的学生 courses should contact Jean-Luc. Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 102B是一门完全在线的菠菜网lol正规平台研究,V区英语课程 orientation meeting. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 102C文学电影文化理解是一门完全在线的课程. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 110语音和语法分析是一门完全在线的课程. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com

    商务和专业沟通:培养跨文化能力 and oral and written communication in the workplace. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 140B通过文学和电影来理解文学和文化. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    法国文学160硕士是一门完全在线的课程. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

    FREN 170语法分析与翻译是一门完全在线的课程. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@6up85.com.

  • German (GERM)
    胚芽1A,胚芽1B,胚芽25A,或胚芽25B满足核心GE区域C2. GERM 1A and GERM 1B是为想要学习德语的学生开设的初级课程. Courses 是为了向学习者介绍基本的德语语法而设计的 学生们能够进行全天的对话,阅读简单的文本和对话 就第一年学习的主题写简短的段落.

    GERM 25A and GERM 25B are the Intermediate Level courses. The courses' objectives 是要深入了解语法和句法概念,以及执行更多 高级对话,阅读更复杂的文本,写更多关于主题和文化的文章 studied during the second year. The courses satisfy the GE requirements in C2 area. Contact larissa.chiriaeva@6up85.com with questions.

  • Hebrew (HEBR)
    欲知详情,请联络世界语言文学系: world-languages@6up85.com.

  • Italian (ITAL)
    ITAL 1A和ITAL 1B是为希望学习的学生开设的初级课程 Italian. ITAL 1A课程将于秋季开设,ITAL 1B课程将于春季开设. Course 目的是向学生介绍意大利语语法的基础知识 经过一年的学习,学生将能够翻译和参与文本 节选自意大利歌曲或歌剧,而不是文学或报纸,只有 a grammar and dictionary as aids. Contact michele.santamaria@6up85.com with questions.

  • Japanese (JPN)
    JPN 1A, JPN 1B, JPN 25A或JPN 25B(最多两门课程)可用于GE credit (Area C2).  JPN 102B may be used for 菠菜网lol正规平台 studies (Area V). For details, contact Dr. Kodama-Yanai at 408-924-4592 or yasue.yanai@6up85.com, or Dr. Uryu at 408-924-4613 or michiko.uryu@6up85.com.
  • Microbiology (MICR)
    注册MICR 141L的学生必须同时注册MICR 141.

  • Portuguese (PORT)
    PORT 1A and PORT 1B can be used for GE C2 credits. Students interested in the individualized PORT 1X/Y和PORT 20X/Y的学习计划必须在第一次与导师联系 week of classes in CL 412J at 408-924-4022 or duarte.pinheiro@6up85.com. 进入中级课程20A/X需要相当于1B/Y或许可 of the instructor. port102a:葡萄牙文化和PORT102B:巴西文化 are taught in English. Oral midterm will be held in person on campus. Contact duarte.pinheiro@6up85.com.

  • Radio-Television-Film (RTVF)
    rtvf22介绍广播制作的基础知识,如前期制作, 录音设备,编辑使用音乐和声音效果来告知和娱乐 listeners.


    rtvf163将教授学生制作电视系列纪录片的技巧; 比如研究主题、采访参与者、写作和音频/视频 nonfiction storytelling.

    rtvf185 2024年秋季专题是“电视卡通与文化”,分析 动画片对美国社会和文化的影响.S. television. Topics will 包括动画史,儿童节目,成人黄金时段动画片, 数字时代的卡通,以及动画节目的未来.

  • Russian (RUSS)
    RUSS 1A和RUSS 1B是为想要学习的学生开设的初级课程 Russian and get acquainted with Russian culture. The courses fulfill GE requirements 在C2地区,RUSS 1A通常在秋季开设,RUSS 1b在春季开设. The 课程包括西里尔字母和草书,发音,简单语法和句子 structure. 学生将通过不同的语言探索俄语的不同方面 活动如听力和阅读理解,写短文和carry on simple conversations. 到学期结束时,学生将获得一定的能力 在所有四种语言技能,如听力,口语,阅读和 能写作,并能在许多日常语言环境中发挥作用. For advising please contact Dr. Larissa Chiriaeva larissa.chiriaeva@6up85.com

  • School of Information (INFO)
    具体的课程细节请查看信息学院的时间表,如  可变单元课程的具体日期,缩放课程等. http://ischoolapps.6up85.com/gss/ajax/schedule.php?search=1

  • Spanish (SPAN)
    SPAN 201:现代西班牙语:西班牙语语言学入门. For more information, contact Dr. Avizia Long avizia.long@6up85.com

    SPAN 4A和4B是完全在线自学的西班牙语基础课程. For information, world-languages@6up85.com.

    SPAN 1A, SPAN 1B, SPAN 20A, SPAN 20B, SPAN 25A或SPAN 25B(最多两门课程) 是否可以满足C2区域较低部门的GE要求. (Students should take 这是由世界语言文学系提供的自我测试 网站,以确定在一年级和二年级的西班牙语课程的适当位置. Call 408-924-4696 for information).

    SPAN 102B section 01 is taught in Spanish; section 02 is taught  in English. Students 主修和辅修西班牙语课程的学生必须参加西班牙语课程. All SPAN 102B部分可用于菠菜网lol正规平台研究区域V GE学分. Students Registration SPAN 102B要求通过WST或成功完成ENGL考试 100A or LLD 100A. Spanish Minors and Majors must take 102B in Spanish.

    在线授课的SPAN 132第10部分只对研究生课程的学生开放 in Library Science. 它们需要获得信息学院(以前称为SLIS)的同意。 for registration and are not open to WLL students.

  • Theatre Arts (TA)
    报名参加ta117第01节的是歌舞表演,将在 the Hammer Theatre Center. Enrollment in TA 117 sec 02 is for the production of The 拉里萨·法斯马的感恩节剧,将在哈尔·托德工作室演出 Theatre. Enrollment in TA 117 is by audition only; auditions will be during the first and second weeks of the semester. All majors are invited to audition.

    ta112第01节(排练和表演)的指导老师将是尼日利亚-爱尔兰人 writer and director Olabisi Adigun.

    ta51a, ta51b和ta51c是TA专业的先决条件(可以选修ta51课程) concurrently).

    TA 191 sections are 3-unit courses for F&T production crew members and are repeatable for credit as core requirements and electives; students will participate in approximately 80小时的课程制作,欢迎所有专业的学生参加. TA 191 offers 灵活的工作时间/工作区域,并对所有专业开放.

  • Tagalog (TAG)
    TAG 1A and TAG 1B may be used for GE credit (Area C2). For advising, please contact Edith Borbon at edith.borbon@6up85.com.

  • Vietnamese (VIET)
    VIET 1A, VIET 1B may be used for GE credit (Area C2). VIET1A and VIET1B to be offered in the Fall and Spring respectively. VIET 1B requires the equivalence of VIET 1A or instructor's permission. Both are hybrid courses with weekly three hours in-class meetings and one hour online through the Canvas website. The course emphasis is on 在文化背景下的阅读、写作和对话. For advising contact huyen.le@6up85.com