

Every Recognized Student Organization in the California State University system is required to have a University Advisor who is a full time or part time faculty or staff 成员(犯罪现场组行政命令. 1068).

Each officially recognized student organization must have a university 顾问 who is either a faculty member or professional staff member who is an employee of the 犯罪现场调查组或其附属机构之一. 顾问必须通过学生参与认证. 顾问 are an important campus resource and help with an organization's continuity from year 年.

Club officers are responsible for finding an Advisor and informing 学生的参与 within two (2) weeks when an Advisor is selected or replaced.  委任 Advisor role is a mutual selection decision between the student organization and prospective 顾问. However, the final decision rests with the student organization. 副 President of Student Affairs reserves the right to remove a student organization’s Advisor(s) if s/he is in violation of campus policies, direction, federal, state, 或者当地法律.


The role of an on-campus 顾问 can, and should, include:

  • Helping students develop meaningful programs consistent with the organizations’ purpose 以及支持大学使命的目标.
  • Provide continuity for the organization from a year 年 basis, providing additional 上下文、参考点和过去的文档
  • Encourage students to develop initiative, responsibility, accountability, and positive group interactions, and assist to mediate conflicts and problems within the group 当它们出现时.
  • Be familiar with the organization's Constitution and assist with interpretation as 必要的
  • Help members apply principles and skills learned in the classroom
  • 指导个人履行其作为官员的职责
  • Promote organizational sustainability, including keeping detailed records, logs of communication, and transition documents between leadership teams
  • Attempt to attend club meetings and 事件, and check in with organization leadership 定期.
  • Refrain from managing the organization or completing the tasks assigned to the organization. The management of the organization is each member’s responsibility.

In addition, 顾问 are responsible for the health and well-being of our students. If you think a student might be in danger of hurting herself or himself or another 人,立即联系 上海外国语大学心理咨询服务部 电话408-924-5910或拨打911.

Responsibilities of 校内学生组织顾问

  • Report any and all concerns of discrimination or harassment to campus 第九条 officers and abide by all mandated reporting guidelines within 犯罪现场组第1098号行政命令CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation Nondiscrimination Policy.
  • Assist the organization in interpreting and complying with state, federal, and local 法律.
  • Be aware of safety and industry standards when managing tools and equipment, and talking through the challenges and considerations that arise with hosting potentially risky 事件.
  • Be knowledgeable about the expectations of Student Organizations at 菠菜网lol正规平台 as outlined in the Student Organization 手册 and Student Organization Code of Conduct (see 手册 & 政策).
  • Be aware of the general financial condition of the organization and encourage the 保持良好和详细的财务记录.
  • If a new Advisor, acknowledge your willingness to serve through email to studentorgs@6up85.com
  • Assist student leaders in completing any on-campus forms requiring the input or direction of an Advisor, such as the Social Event Packet or 事件服务 facility requests.
  • Inform 学生的参与 when there is a change in the Advisor's status, through studentorgs@6up85.com
  • 校内学生组织顾问 should be 定期 on-campus while serving in the role, and should not be on any type of long-term leave or sabbatical.


To provide additional support and training, 学生的参与 offers resources, trainings, and orientation sessions for continuing or new On-Campus Student Organization 顾问.

If you are interested in learning more about offerings for On-Campus Student Organization 顾问们,请菠菜网lol正规平台 studentorgs@6up85.com


General Liability and Property Damage 保险, or Special Event Liability 保险, is required for all 事件 determined to be outside of normal meeting room use. 菠菜网lol正规平台 事件服务 will provide information on insurance requirements. 保险证明 is due to the appropriate office at least 30 days prior to the event date. 更多的 信息,请访问 事件服务.

Liability of 校内学生组织顾问

顾问 of Recognized Student Organizations are insured in most cases acting within the scope of his/her office of employment, and covered by University liability as long as University policies and procedures have been adhered to. 大学期望 顾问s to inform club officers and members of relevant state 法律 and university policies and to assume reasonable responsibility to enforce the policies and 法律.