Faculty Workshops and Events

CHHS CARHS & RSCA Workshops and Events

CARHS Services: Editing and/or Statistical Consulting

人类服务应用研究中心(CARHS)是一个资源中心 CHHS faculty. Editing and statistical consulting services for faculty are available for free. More information about RSCA support can be found on http://oxdt.6up85.com/carhs. Contact CARHS director Marcelle Dougan at marcelle.dougan@6up85.com for a referral.

Planning and Negotiating Co-Authorship with Students

Tuesday, February 22 at 12pm to 1:15pm

  • Emily Chan, Associate Dean, Research & Scholarship, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Library
  • Ann Agee,上海州立大学图书馆馆藏与学术交流主任
  • Nick Szydlowski Scholarly Communications & Digital Scholarship Librarian, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Librarian
  • Michelle Hampton, the Valley Foundation School of Nursing

本次研讨会将提供有用的提示和资源,以确定作者(vs. 致谢)和协商作者在手稿之前(和期间) development process. The workshop will include resources for communicating about/negotiating 作者身份,作者身份的各种定义/参数,讨论/插图 from session participants. Although the workshop will focus on co-authorship with 学生们,这些主题也可能是与社区合作伙伴共同撰写的教师感兴趣的 or other scholars.

Register to attend the workshop using the link below. 注册后,您将收到一封包含信息的确认邮件 about joining the meeting. If you are unable to attend and would like to request access to a recording, please register and add your request to the comments section. http://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sdOugrjgiHNwKRQG4FfC5k4b-nZMoBiJs

Qualitative Research Conversations - Session #1

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 (International Women's Day), 12pm to 1pm

  • Facilitator: Ruvani Fonseka, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
  • 主讲人:Amanda Miller,博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校菲尔丁公共学院博士后学者 Health
  • 项目:感染艾滋病毒的妇女对解决暴力和酗酒问题的看法 艾滋病毒服务期间:乌干达渔业社区的定性调查结果(链接) to manuscript: http://escholarship.org/content/qt9h0428sg/qt9h0428sg.pdf)

Interested in discussing qualitative research methods? These two “Qualitative Research “对话”环节将为教师们分享挑战创造机会, successes and insights from their qualitative research. The facilitators/presenters 将简要介绍他们的工作亮点,重点是他们的工作的任何方面 可能感兴趣的工作,如理论,方法,和/或整体挑战 qualitative or mixed methods studies. Copies of manuscripts related to the research 在会议中提到的内容会提前分享(没有提前阅读的压力) and no pop quizzes!). Brief presentations will be followed by discussion and Q&A. 具有任何水平的定性研究设计和方法经验的教员,如 欢迎那些想了解更多关于它是如何应用/使用的人参加. 如果您不能参加本次会议,但有兴趣录制的 本次会议的演讲环节,或以后的会议,请提前报名 and add your request in the comments section. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Tuesday March 8 registration:


Intellectual Property and Working with Industry

Tuesday, March 15, noon to 1pm

  • Presenter: Michael Muthig, Director, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Office of Innovation
  • Hosts: Anusha Yellamsetty, Dept of Audiology and Li Jin, Dept of Kinesiology

你是否参与或对可能带来创新的项目感到好奇 health apps to tools that may be used in health care or health education? This workshop 会否揭开知识产权的神秘面纱,并提供实用的贴士 for working with industry. The first 30-40 minutes will focus on an overview of practical 信息和提示,最后20分钟将为参与者提供机会 to ask questions and discuss their own collaborations or project ideas.
Specific topics include:

  • Introduction to IP- patents, copyright, trademarks, know-how and trade secrets.
  • Capturing background IP and why it is important.
  • Disclosing inventions and creative works
  • Strategies for IP protection
  • IP considerations related to publishing
  • Working with industry - what is important and how to get started

Register to attend the workshop using the link below. To receive information if you 不能参加,请注册并在评论/问题下分享您的要求. You will receive a Zoom link after registration:

Qualitative Research Conversations - Session #2

Friday, April 8, 2022, 12pm to 1pm

  • 主持人/主讲人:Laurie Drabble, CHHS研究与学院副院长
  • 项目:COVID-19对性少数群体妇女健康和福祉的影响; A qualitative study.

Interested in discussing qualitative research methods? These two “Qualitative Research “对话”环节将为教师们分享挑战创造机会, successes and insights from their qualitative research. The facilitators/presenters 将简要介绍他们的工作亮点,重点是他们的工作的任何方面 可能感兴趣的工作,如理论,方法,和/或整体挑战 qualitative or mixed methods studies. Copies of manuscripts related to the research
在会议中提到的内容会提前分享(没有提前阅读的压力) and no pop quizzes!). Brief presentations will be followed by discussion and Q&A. 具有任何水平的定性研究设计和方法经验的教员,如 well as those wanting to learn more about how it is
applied/used, are welcome to attend. If you are unable to attend this session, but 是否有兴趣录制会议的演示部分,或者将来录制 聚会,请提前注册并在评论区添加您的要求. 注册后,您将收到一封确认邮件,其中包含有关 joining the meeting.

Friday, April 8, noon - 1pm RSVP:

Other Pending Events

人类服务应用研究中心提供讲习班和主办特别的 events throughout the year. Please watch out for email notices of other special workshops in the coming weeks!

CHHS RTP Workshops

Mini-Review Drop-In Session

Date: Friday, February 4, from noon - 1pm.
我们将有大学人事部门的专家在场,提供全面的帮助 guidance about the mini-review and address logistics about using eFaculty. This session may be of particular interest to first- and second-year faculty. Please be sure to 提前查看YouTube上关于迷你复习和使用eFaculty的视频 session. Links to the video and other useful “how to” materials available through University Personnel/Faculty Affairs can be found here: http://oxdt.6up85.com/up/mycareer/faculty/periodic-evaluations-faculty.php
Zoom link: http://sjsu.zoom.us/j/88242340502

RTP Workshop for CHHS Faculty

Tuesday, May 17, 8am to 10am

  • Facilitator: Audrey Shillington, Dean, CHHS
  • Panel: Maggie Barrera, Vice Provost for Faculty Success; James Lee, Senior Director, University Personnel - Faculty Services; Deepika Goyal, CHHS Representative to University RTP Committee

这个RTP研讨会是为正在计划的终身教职员工和终身教职员工准备的 在2022年秋季提交RTP材料或想要提前计划一个 future submission. The workshop panel will include representatives from University 人事/教务,教务成功副教务长,教务长办公室, and faculty who are familiar with both college and university RTP committees.

Please follow the link below to register in advance for the workshop. The registration form includes an opportunity to post any questions you may have; an anonymous list of questions will be provided to the presenters: http://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpduipqTwuGN08RKDxPzNpERNPaaT5cHTi

RSCA Support

Faculty Toolkit on the Academic Affairs Resource Hub

寻找有关使用启动资金的信息,RSCA资助机会或 resources, or using gift cards as incentives for research study participants? This 网页提供了与RSCA和教师相关的信息和链接的中心位置 success. You will need to be logged in to your 菠菜网lol正规平台 account to access. http://sites.google.com/6up85.com/aa-resource-hub/faculty-toolkit

Workshops through Research Development

您可以通过以下网站查看出色的在线培训机会 Research Development Team! Follow the link below to a series of grant getting workshops (pending and recorded) to help faculty on the path to RSCA funding success:

Writing Supports

Weekly Check-In & Accountability

Every Friday, 8:30 am to 9:00am (February 11 through May 20, 2022)

You are welcome to join weekly or whenever your schedule allows. This BRIEF weekly 与CHHS的一小组同事进行登记,可以让你确定优先事项 写下下周的计划,2)确认最近的进展 to scholarly work and writing. If you would like to have a calendar invitation to the Friday morning check-in, please email Laurie Drabble (laurie.drabble@6up85.com).

Zoom link to join: http://sjsu.zoom.us/j/96454366286

菠菜网lol正规平台 Writing Cafe

Cafes are available each weekday from 9am to 10am. Join by subscribing to the CFD Writing Cafe Google Calendar.

Finding it challenging to set aside time for your writing. You are not alone – and you don’t need to be alone in your writing! Please feel free to join your colleagues in any of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Writing Cafe sessions in the coming semester. Each meeting begins 电子签到(少于1分钟),然后是两个写作环节 of 25 minutes with a 5-minute break between. The host will be there to help you stay 专注于提醒你什么时候开始,什么时候休息,什么时候重新开始,什么时候 to stop. CHHS
他是周五会议的主要主持人,但你会在其他地方见到你的同事 sessions as well. All San Jose State University faculty are welcome to participate, as much or as little as you'd like.

External RSCA Grant Development Support (FREE)

健康公平研究所(CHER) 2022年夏季研究所(在线)

  • Institute dates: June 6-11, 2022
  • Priority Application Deadline: March 4, 2022
  • Waitlist/Final Deadline: April 4, 2022

Are you an early-career, tenure track/tenured faculty member? Do you aspire to become an NIH investigator? The (CHER) Institute at California State University, Long Beach 由美国国家综合医学科学研究所(NIGMS)资助的项目是否会增加 the number of early career faculty
准备好成为NIH以社区为基础的主要研究人员的成员 健康公平研究,特别强调来自少数民族服务的教师 Institutions. CHER Institute offers: A six-day intensive educational and mentoring experience focused on theory-based, culturally
为美国国立卫生研究院研究制定具体目标页面的知情方法 proposal; Four webinars annually on theory-based, culturally informed methods for effective community engagement in health equity research.
Link to Apply Now

RSCA Reminders

Grant Submission Guidelines

如果您计划提交补助金,请务必与菠菜网lol正规平台研究部联系 Foundation or Tower Foundation well in advance of the sponsor due date. Contacts information 及《菠菜网lol正规平台》亦载于 the
